Annual Corporate and Consolidated Financial Statements 31 December 2021 Page 75
(d) During its evaluation, the Audit Committee reviewed the policies and operations manual of
the Internal Audit Unit, the organizational chart of the Company in order to understand the
reference lines of the Head of Internal Audit, other manuals and policies, the manner of
exercising the duties of the Head of Internal Audit, review of practices, the standards on which
he relied on for the preparation of audits and in general his overall conduct and presence in the
Company and did not identify conditions hindering the independence or impartiality of the Head
of the Internal Audit Unit
(e) The Audit Committee monitored the implementation of the annual audit plan, through the
quarterly reports of the Head of the Internal Audit Unit. For the exercise of his duties the Head of
the Internal Audit Unit follows the current legislation, the International Standards for the
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing of the Institute of Internal Auditors, the decisions of the
Management and the Audit Committee. During the meetings, the findings of the Internal Audit
Unit were discussed regarding the completeness of internal procedures, audit of subsidiaries,
sales, maintenance procedures, cash, supplies, compliance with the corporate governance
framework, operation of factories and quarries (inventories, monthly reports, security measures,
the computer system, maintenance, segregation of responsibilities, staff training, etc.) and the
audit of related-party transactions completed in the year 2022.
(f) In the context of the annual evaluation report of the Company's Internal Audit System
regarding the period 1.1.2020-31.12.2020 which was prepared in the context of its meeting on
15.4.2021, the Audit Committee:
• Provided an assessment of the Head of the Internal Audit Unit and the operation of the
Unit in terms of independence and impartiality, adequacy of staff and training and in general the
value it gives to ensuring the integrity, adequacy and efficiency of the Internal Audit System.
• It reviewed the overall operation of risk management as performed within the Company
but also by the Internal Audit Unit and made suggestions regarding the improvement and
compliance in accordance with the provisions of law 4706/2020.
• It monitored the effectiveness of the regulatory compliance operation of the Company
mainly through audits carried out by the Internal Audit Unit and the role of Management in
monitoring and implementing the legislation and made recommendations regarding the
improvement and compliance in accordance with the provisions of law 4706 / 2020.
The annual evaluation report of the Internal Audit System as well as the operation of risk
management and regulatory compliance of the Company regarding the period 1.1.2021-
31.12.2021 and the preparation of the relevant report of the Audit Committee is expected to be
completed in April 2022.
(g) In the context of the Company's compliance with the provisions of Law 4706/2020, the Audit
Committee examined drafts and gave a positive opinion on the following regulations and policies
of the Company: Rules of Procedure of the Audit Committee, Rules of Operation of the Internal
Audit Unit, Risk Management Policy and Risk Management Unit Operating Regulations,
Regulatory Compliance Policy and Regulatory Compliance Unit Operating Regulations,
Assessment Procedure of the Internal Audit System, Assessment Procedure of the Internal
Management System, Policies - Procedures for Conflict of Interest Prevention.